A Full-Service CRO
KSL Biomedical, Inc. (“KSL”) was founded to deliver innovative diagnostics and therapeutics. KSL has professionals with many decades of experience in US and international regulatory compliance, product design and development, clinical trials, and protection of intellectual property to work with health care industry partners to address their need for special resources to achieve and maintain compliance. Team members have worked with all levels of compliance: state, national and international inspectors, regulatory authorities and quality registrars in the laboratory service, medical device, in vitro diagnostic (IVD) device, pharmaceutical, food and supplement fields.

KSL continues to build upon the strong foundation of regulatory, quality and clinical services through strategic business expansion and acquisitions of business units and clinical laboratories, KSL companies now include KSL Biomedical Inc., KSL Diagnostics Inc., and KSL Beutner Laboratories in the US, KSL Pulse Scientific in Canada, and KSL Biomedical Yangzhou and BYL Laboratories Yangzhou in China, that further globalize and deepen our service capabilities. Drawing on many decades of product development, regulatory, quality, and clinical experience, with a combination of its expertise, integrated clinical laboratories, product development and manufacture, and an international base in the US, Canada, EU, and China, KSL is well positioned to provide a suite of regulatory, quality, clinical consulting and contract research organization (collectively CRO) services.
Our services include: